Doing Our Part to Limit the Spread of COVID-19

Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends:

Capstone Development Partners (CDP) wishes all of you well during this challenging time.  We are doing all we can to protect the health and safety of our employees, partners, colleagues and associates and to stop/slow the spread of the Coronavirus. We have adopted policies and procedures recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) relative to hygiene, travel, and social distancing, including work from home through the end of April and the elimination of travel for the foreseeable future.

CDP has the good fortune to be a participant in numerous public-private partnerships (P3) with valued University partners. Whether we are in the procurement, preliminary development, construction or operational phase, we want to assure you that the policies and procedures we are following focus first on protecting the health and safety of each of our team members and partners, and next on doing our best to meet our commitments, obligations and goals as a trusted development and/or operational partner.

For the sake of our partnership, our projects, and our country, our goal and hope is that we can continue making progress on our collective pursuits through these challenging circumstances and uncharted waters. Our belief is that if we collaborate, cooperate, err on the side of caution and follow CDC guidelines, we can stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and keep our team members and families healthy.

We wish you, your colleagues and students all the best during these challenging times we are facing throughout our country and world. Prayers for strength, safety and health to all.

Jeff Jones and Bruce McKee
Principals, Capstone Development Partners